Saturday, March 18, 2017


Monday, December 14, 2015

Aṅguttara Nikāya 2 11. Āsādup­paja­ha­vagga (AN 2.125-126; A i 87 II,xi,8-9)


> “Dveme, bhikkhave, paccayā micchādiṭṭhiyā uppādāya.

> Katame dve?

> Parato ca ghoso ayoniso ca manasikāro.

> Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve paccayā micchādiṭṭhiyā uppādāyā”ti.


> “Dveme, bhikkhave, paccayā sammādiṭṭhiyā uppādāya.

> Katame dve?

> Parato ca ghoso, yoniso ca manasikāro.

> Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve paccayā sammādiṭṭhiyā uppādāyā”ti.

— *Buddhadhamma*


Pali text from the Mahāsaṅgīti Tipiṭaka Buddhavasse 2500: World Tipiṭaka Edition in Roman Script. Edited and published by The M.L. Maniratana Bunnag Dhamma Society Fund, 2005. Based on the digital edition of the Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana published by the Vipassana Research Institute, with corrections and proofreading by the Dhamma Society.
Prepared for SuttaCentral by Blake Walsheand Bhikkhu Sujato.
First Added: 2015-10-27Last Modified: 2015-10-27

Friday, February 6, 2015

Those Marketers, Those mind-readers

Mind-reading is as mind-reading does
pretty much exactly like stupid

it's obvious when it happens
but surprising when discovered

it's clumsy, silly, funny;
a masquerade for ;defence

for if we only knew Why they did it
we'd understand their nature;
when stupid is doing what is stupid
the mind-reader is doing Buddhist Tschwaellepathy;

the hook, but a toy
to grab your immediate attention
the joke, but a sleight-of-hand.
a poke at sub~|-apparent insecurity

to sell you your soul, your spirit~|
with bargain value cost price, marketing.!

you see, their politics is essential -|- the
part of the poetic politics of The Market\

Pedagogy Is Politics


Edited by Maria Regina-Keicht

Monday, August 10, 2009

Good Will Hunting

Will Hunting is good
good will is hunting
good hunting, Will

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Reframing of Creativity, Beauty, Happiness, Closure, Empathy and Design

Beauty is just an occurrence within you.
Multiple instances in time-space.
A combination of emotion-feelings.
A pleasant surprise; an unexpected association.

Beauty occurs only in moments of Creativity.
Happiness occurs only in moments of Beauty.

Closure is achieved through meditation.
Empathy is achieved through expression.

Happiness occurs in Closure because there is discovery of Beauty.
Happiness occurs in Empathy because there is validation that that Beauty exists in others.

In this way, Empathy is inextricably tied to a greater form of Closure.
A validation-closure, rather than a discovery-closure.

Empathy strives for the solidification of Beauty within yourself.
Design is, fundamentally, a pursuit for Empathy.

Design is THE medium that facilitates both Empathy and Closure:
The Happy user discovered Beauty in a Design.
The successful Designer achieved validation of the reality of the Beauty in his/her design

So Design your Life!
Only if you want to be Happy.

Beauty is but a fleeting feeling

The beauty we observe in other things is always a complex combination.
Beauty's a state of being - a simultaneous experience of things, places, and times.
We're so visual we have a tendency to attribute it rather simply to other physical objects. But really, the beauty you observe in other things is beauty within YOU. Physical objects that took part in that beauty are but mementos, indexes/addresses into your mind's memory that may facilitate a re-feeling of that "beauty" emotion.

Beauty's an instance of your having reached closure, an independent and surprising revelation-discovery. It's the moment you see the whole picture.
It is, in essence, a moment of creativity. it's when an association, previously unmade and unobvious, is made.

Beauty IS Creativity.
That is, beauty occurs if and only if creativity occurs.
Beauty if, and only if, creativity.

X sees something obvious, then another obvious thing comes into focus
and because of the temporal association, X discovers something about
the interaction between the two obvious things that explains something
that was much less obvious. some poetic meaning/purpose.
the instance this happens is beauty, and (roughly) only when this happens.

X, having felt this, thinks it was that place, that time or those things.
but really, it was that sensation of new information being created in
your head. that feeling of having felt something so unique and special
that you think it would be so surprising if someone else could feel the same thing
that feeling can it/he/she look so...perfect? scenery is perfect!
that was a perfect ending!

life is but a pursuit of beauty, because our minds are built to pursue it.