Thursday, June 25, 2009

Meet your brain the model-finder

a model of coherent truth

forming a mesh of complexity

connected the way they are

and emotions are but pattern-food

since patterns are structures in plain view

for your brain finds the pattern

coming to save the day

the right emotion newly minted

the most miraculous of saints

but then comes the saviour

rudely interrupting our every day

interferes with normal functioning

putting additional load on our brains

this gut feeling, this anchor

"please, look at me! i'm right in your gut"

nagging, pleading, persuading, manipulating

towards a more sinister sound

the visual mastery hinting

rough, splattered across the boards

for those scents are but emotions

a hint, a scent, a clue

for there's a gleaning pattern to it

a shifting madness, insanity

its a crazy thing, our brains
a shifting madness, insanity
for there's a gleaning pattern to it
a hint, a scent, a clue

for those scents are but emotions
rough, splattered across the boards
the visual mastery hinting
towards a more sinister sound

nagging, pleading, persuading, manipulating
"please, look at me! i'm right in your gut"
this gut feeling, this anchor
putting additional load on our brains

interferes with normal functioning
rudely interrupting our every day
but then comes the saviour
the most miraculous of saints

the right emotion newly minted
coming to save the day
for your brain finds the pattern
since patterns are structures in plain view

and emotions are but pattern-food
connected the way they are
forming a mesh of complexity
a model of coherent truth

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